Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Ironically, I was studying Bentham's Panopticon and thought about the form and section of my building. Each of the "stages"/"stalls"/shops that the user will complete may need to be watched, monitored and discussed with a supervisor in order to maximize the outcome of the skill based learning format being used. In order to do this, there can be a digital solution whereby information is sent off on the server to a data collection point or maybe the areas where the games are played are separated from adjacent spaces in order to increase concentration and then allow consultation with a professional.....

"It can in fact be integrated into any function (education, medical treatment...); it can increase the effect of this function, by being linked closely with it; it can constitute a mixed mechanism in which relations of power may be precisely adjusted, in the smallest detail, to the processes that are to be supervised."
- Michel Foucault in Discipline and Punish

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