Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Confidence Building....

Self-development is inevitable in life’s journeys, but it is how we choose to embrace the path along which we develop that is key to how successful we are as people. Too many young people in the world are jaded by the social mores that govern society, often formed by media and different cultural patterns. Relieving negative energy and shifting one’s perspective on life’s experiences can instil a confidence that will inspire every step of a person’s life. The “Confidence Building” is a physical building where the sole purpose is to expose a methodology of thinking to those who visit that can entirely alter their path of self-development.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself”
– unknown


Jodi said...

"A community health club should be a platform for self directed health rather than a static formula."

- Jacob Schwarts

Kimberley said...

I mentioned the Dove advertising campaigns last week, but I just had a look at the Gruen Transfer website and not only does it have the ads in question, but it also has the fantastic parodies that were produced in response, and a fairly concise rundown of the discussions that took place on the show. You can also just download last weeks show, but this is the quicker version (mind you, this url might change after tonights episode). The comments also mention a Greenpeace version of the Onslaught ad ( ), which although it's off on a bit of a tangent, is definitely worth watching given the effect it had on Dove's policy.