Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Please respond to these questions in the comment fields provided....

What do you associate with this form?

How does being inside this P.O.D.S make you feel?

What could this space be used for?

Remember that this building is for the fine and gross motor skill development of cognitively and physically disabled children aged 2-17


Jules said...

Well obviously a donut
Or a section of waterslide or one of those big inflatable worms they have at shows.
I think this would be a fun activity space (given my experience in similar spaces as a kid, the aforementioned worm for example)
It could be used as a sort of running track or hamster wheel to tire the kids out

n05ey said...

Mmmmm... donut!!! food education with a different texture on the inside... red could be a little intense but I guess it is one of the colours meant to make you hungry...

Vinh Nguyen said...

What do you associate with this form?
donut, begel

How does being inside this P.O.D.S make you feel?
lost, disorientated

What could this space be used for?
running, skateboarding

Jason Tan said...

-exhibition tent, festival space

-like moving

-exhibition space, learning stations